Are there UFOs in hidden hangars at Papoose Dry Lake?
Why is a dry lake bed in Nevada the source of continuous controversy in the UFO community? Robert Lazar, a self-proclaimed Area 51 employee, went public with tales of flying saucers and “greys” hidden...
View ArticleUFO Causes Accident And Travels Through Tunnel In Germany (Video)
A large pulsating UFO has been recorded on a tunnel live cam following a van which crashes on the exit, footage is from a German News Broadcast and is making news all over the world. According to some...
View ArticleRussell Crowe Posts Video Of UFO Over Sydney, Australia On March 2013.
Date of sighting: March 2013 Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia News States: Russell Crowe claims to have spotted a UFO above Australia and has posted pictures of the supposed alien craft online....
View ArticleViral ISS UFO video a hoax
A video of a large cylindrical UFO supposedly caught by the International Space Station (ISS) has been getting a lot of attention online. It is a very convincing video; however, it appears to be yet...
View ArticleBBC Catches UFO Over Vatican City
A UFO was caught on tape by the BBC as the world awaited the naming of the new Pope. The object, caught as the camera showed a view of the Sistine Chapel at night, is circular and glowing a strange red...
View ArticleUFO Accidentally Caught In NGC Documentary, March 2013.
Date of discovery: March 2013 Location of sighting: unknown Eyewitness states: “Footage is a clip from National Geographic’s “Omens of the Apocalypse”, and seems to show a saucer shaped object. The...
View ArticleUFO Caught Orbiting The Moon For 7 Minutes! (Video)
Date of sighting: April 26, 2013 Location of sighting: Earths Moon Eyewitness states: “I was out last night getting some video of the moon when something caught my attention. I saw a flash on the...
View ArticleSpectacular UFO over Oregon, July 25, 2013
Date of sighting: July 25, 2013 Location of sighting: Oregon, USA Eyewitness states: The object flashes and catches my attention and is moving slow, so decide to start filming. Fortunately it is...
View ArticleGigantic UFO Filmed By Two Cameras Over Melbourne, Australia On Sept 2, 2013.
Date of sighting: September 2, 2013 Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia Eyewitness states: I recorded the ISS approx 20 minutes earlier as proof – (Will keep raw footage with ‘time’ start.) Note...
View ArticleUFO Shoots Past Military Air Show Jets Over Mexico City, Sept 16, 2013
Date of sighting: September 16, 2013 Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico Camera: DCR-HC21 Optical Zoom: 20X Watching Real Time: 1:02 p.m. September 16, 2013, Mexico City Pilatus PC-7 aircraft...
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